by quinn.anya
Relationship advice is usually so sappy that I can’t deal with it. It’s so sugar coated and basic that it’s scary. So you want real, honest relationship advice on keeping a relationship healthy then look no further. Keeping a relationship healthy involves going back to our primal instincts. Traditional dating concepts are outdated.
You can’t do the same things that worked for your parents. Old school attraction advice is now altogether outdated. Guys shouldn’t take dating tips from girls. Girls aren’t consciously in touch with what they want. When you ask a woman what she wants in a man and she’ll give you the incorrect answers. females say that they want a sense of humor, kindness, etc. It is true, girls want this stuff but we know all that already.
You have to appeal to a person’s primal instincts. If you want to get someone to like you, you have to read between the lines.
Teasing a girl is a great way of getting someone to like you. Teasing makes the conversation more exciting and fun. Poke fun at a woman in a light way and she will love it. Qualify her by saying things like, I don’t think you’re a real relationship kind of girl. This kind of thing will make her want to prove herself to you. Keeping a hint of mysteriousness about you makes a girl attracted and helps appeal to her primal desires. If there is no mystery, a girl feels like she has the puzzle all figured out already. You can’t spill all of your ideas.
My advice is pretty good but quite honestly the best tips I’ve ever heard on dating and attraction are at – You can listen to the new PowerDating audio program there. It took my game to a whole new level.